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Saturday, October 17, 2009

10 Reasons why we are Leeter than you!

What is Leet you ask? If you have to ask, then you might as well write noob across your forehead in permanent ink. But if you would rather not, read on. To get the meaning of leet, you need only read a simple Wikipedia article, but to really understand 1337, that is simply not enough. In order to understand the term leeter is, you need to consult no further than the internet’s wonderful and colorful Urban Dictionary: Leeter – someone more [1337] than something else. Now, I suggest you read up on your leet history before reading any further because the purpose of this article is not regurgitate relatively accessible information but rather to give the 10 Reasons why we are Leeter than you!

10. Because we said so.

Part of being leet is being able to prove your elitism. This is why we are introducing the concept of competitive game play with the reward of top-level prizes. Unlike the traditional arcade hierarchy, where you get cheap redemption prizes, Leeters large range of games deliver quality prizes.

9. We're more than just gaming

If you want group gaming, you go play mini golf, old fashion arcade games, or at a LAN arcade, that’s about all the choices you’ve had until now. When you walk into Leeters for the first time, you will realize instantly why its unique, both in appearance and feel. Leeters is a fully themed competitive gaming arcade, entertainment venue, and lounge. Full-sized and scaled replica's line the place, our arcades are state of the art but also give that traditional feel, our employees are there to serve you and don't be surprised if they playing along. That's the name of the game, everyone is welcome and everyone can play.

8. We employ a level of L33t with technology

Technology is a fundamental part of what we are, and without it we would neither be l33t, nor would we be unique.

7. Leeters is an environment, not a store

Leeters prides itself in being more than a gaming arcade or hobby shop. It’s much more than that! We will never encourage you to pay, we just encourage you to play, and to participate. If you would like to lounge around, watch others play, get free WiFi, eat, keep track of game stats, drink, listen to music, play games with friends in the lounge, or simply watch our sponsored, as well as client requested podcasts and shows, you are more than welcome to.

6. No stupid tokens or tickets!

We rely on a central database, and all you need is a Leeters card. The card keeps your game history, game stats, order history, available credits, and account information. All you have to do is ask one of our associates for a free Leeters card. They'll input your information and your good to go. You can also use cash or credit, but without a Leeters card, your statistics are not kept, which means that you can not compete to receive prizes.

5. We specialize in gaming. That’s what we do!

Free WiFi, full LAN arcade, a game history museum, competitive arcade systems, sanctioned tournaments, full scale props, fully themed environment, and more. Competitive gaming is where it's at, find the game that you're good at and prove it. Good at DDR, Stepmania? Prove it! Good at a particular computer or arcade game? Prove it! Just want to play redemption prizes for non competitive games? we have those too.

4. Games. Games and more Games!

Our selection is large, diverse, and endlessly expanding. We don't have a game you want? Request it and if we approve it, you got it. We cater to our gamers.

3. We got mana!

When is the last time you went to an arcade with the food and drinks geared towards gamers? That’s right, never! There are no middle aged business men here, we share the enthusiasm of our client base. Personally, I’m a geek and we here at Leeters listen to what our customers want and to us, environment is everything. If you don't know what mana potions are, obviously you haven't went on a gaming binge. But if you'd like to know more, click here!

2. Because skill is immeasurable.

Our T-shirts say so. Visit Google images and type in Leeters, what you will find as the very first image listed is our Leeters t-shirt design.

1. Because it’s our name.

Leeters is a state-of-the-art competitive gaming and recreation company with a lounge type atmosphere, looking for a home in central Bakersfield and with your support this can happen. Ultimately, Leeters prides itself on fully serving you, its client base, with a rich and inclusive environment of top-level gaming with rewards not offered by traditional arcade venues. Come and prove your skill at game elitism and witness the full and promising reward of professional tier prizes and unrivalled ranking. All ages are welcomed and remember: skill is not a unit of measurement.

If you're still having problems seeing why we are Leeter than you, it's in our name, simple as that. If you want to be as leet as us, come and join the fun.

I will give you a hint: look closely at the Leeters logo, what do you see?

Until next time!

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